Friday, September 14, 2007

I love this book

Ok friends, so I haven't been a prolific blogger lately because this fabulous book called Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert has been occupying all of my free moments since I bought it in the Denver airport Sunday morning. I was going to title this blog entry "you must read this book", but decided to just own up to loving the book, making a case for it, then letting you decide whether you must read this book (even though I think you really should read it, really).

It is a memoir of Elizabeth's year-long journey through Italy, India and Indonesia to pursue pleasure, devotion and balance. The book is insightful, funny, inspiring, and oh-so-lovely. I was laughing out loud on one page and then crying on the next.

I love how the spiritual wisdom and insight sit so comfortably next to funny stories, descriptions of amazing food, and tales of the pain that comes from living. The author doesn't claim to be an expert in meditation or prayer, but just does such a good job of articulating how a spiritual journey can unfold. One of my favourite parts was story 42 (there are 108+1 stories in the book, like a string of prayer beads) where she described a typical interaction between her and her mind when she tries to meditate, it made me laugh in recognition of the games my ego-mind plays to try and stay in control of situations.

The other thing I really love about the book is that it is not a story of self-denial and perfect devotional practice, it is the story of someone who takes time to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life as well as spiritual discipline, which is so wise. What is the use of becoming a calm, centered person if you won't also let yourself enjoy the world? She writes about savouring meals, people, places, as well as not attaching to those things. So good.

I'm almost sad to have finished the book, I enjoyed living in it for awhile, watching someone else's journey of self and spiritual discovery unfold. But then again I have my own journey of spiritual self discovery to take, and it seems to be unfolding in some lovely ways. I can't wait to see what's around the next corner.

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