Friday, August 3, 2007

something's happening here

Something new is unfolding in my soul, it is amazing to watch - terrifying, beautiful, overwhelming. Not much can explain it really. I'm finding myself falling in love with the world all over again - when I was getting off the train today I had such love and awe for the people around me that I started to get all choked-up. So I went hunting for a poem... I'm guessing more poetry will be coming out of me in the future, but for now here is a borrowed poem, from Symeon the New Theologian again.

What is this Awesome Mystery

What is this awesome mystery
that is taking place within me?
I can find no words to express it;
my poor hand is unable to capture it
in describing the praise and glory that belong
to the One who is above all praise,
and who transcends every word...
My intellect sees what has happened,
but it cannot explain it.
It can see, and wishes to explain,
but can find no word that will suffice;
for what it sees is invisible and entirely formless,
simple, completely uncompounded,
unbounded in its awesome greatness.
What I have seen is the totality recapitulated as one,
received not in essence but by participation.
Just as if you lit a flame from a flame,
it is the whole flame you receive.

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